Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cliché #smed1

I find it weird that there are so many clichés and expressions.  I’ve used a few, but my favourite one is “every cloud has a silver lining” especially at a time when you are dealing with issues and it feels as if nothing wants to work out. Even though it’s just an expression it does somehow make you feel better.

The words are comforting in so many situations. Especially if someone does something bad to you or hurt your feelings someone will always say “what goes around comes around”. It is indeed a very popular expression.  At graduations every ones biggest fear is tripping on that stage. Imagine! Hundreds of people watching you on such a special day, but someone always manage to say “break a leg”.  
But why do we use them? I guess many are overused and some people find it extremely annoying.  You would often hear people say “can you be original?” But so many clichés are true, and somehow it is applicable to our lives. 

So how long will clichés exist? I guess only “time will tell”……… lol


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Feelings follow behaviour #smed12

Feelings and emotions definitely shapes behaviour. The feelings you encounter in a specific situation will determine your behaviour. This then results in several actions which could be positive or negative.

Behaviour results in various feelings. The above statement could go both ways. We as individuals decide how we want to live our life. We can change our attitudes and the way we feel about things or people. It remains a personal choice. But, instead we allow our feelings to cloud our judgement.  When you angry you just say things without thinking it through.

There is a saying “We are not what we think, but we are what we do.” I agree with that statement. People will judge you based on your behaviour. I encountered an incident recently where this one guy called the other ugly names, and other one beat him up. After that incident no one looked at him as the one who was made fun of, they rather remembered him as the one that beat the other guy up.

So don’t let your feelings get the better of you and rather act and live as if you won’t be here tomorrow.


Thursday, 10 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot #smed12

This reminds me of the saying “practice what you preach” although it is easier said than done!

It’s easy talking and the minute you have to put your money where your mouth is, it becomes a different story. Why do we do so little and talk so much?  We want to impress people with words, but when will we ever get to the part where we implement action. I suppose that is the challenging part. We complain about our situation and circumstances but we don’t do anything about it.

The only way to gain knowledge and experience is through practice and when we start doing things. We should focus on the important aspects in our life to achieve success.

There is nothing wrong with talking as we are social beings but try and make a difference.  

You can talk BUT make sure you practice  a little because knowledge and experience is power.

Remember practice makes perfect……


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Wedding Cake in- the- Middle- of- the Road #smed12

Why would you leave your wedding cake in the middle of the road? That is one of the most important elements of the wedding reception. Therefore the person that makes the cake spends hours baking and decorating it to have it perfect for the couple. A three layer cake with loads of icing sugar…. It would be sad to have such a cake left in the middle of the road, unless the cake was a disaster of course!

In a few months I have to decide what type of wedding cake I want. I’ve been thinking about it and no, don’t even suggest the traditional fruitcake. I don’t eat fruitcake and I’ll surely be celebrating my one year anniversary and the cake will still be there. I like the chocolate cake, mousse cake, Ferrero Roche or the cupcake idea. Then the guests can enjoy some of the cake too. 

A wedding cake has different meanings at different weddings and in different cultures. To me the wedding cake represents the man and woman finally together as one. When they cut the wedding cake together it’s a very special moment and it is seen as unity, prosperity and good luck for their marriage. It is very special because this moment is captured and shared with all your family and friends.

Can’t wait to decide on my wedding cake…….


It’s a poor idea to lie to yourself #smed12

What is the purpose of telling a lie? Are we struggling with mixed emotions? And is it really that bad when you don’t tell truth? It reminds me of Pinocchio. Can you imagine your nose growing every time you tell a lie?

We easily judge others when we know they are not telling the truth. It is definitely a conscious decision that each individual has to take responsibility for. And when the truth is eventually revealed we will have to live the consequences whether it is good or bad.

I know we all sometimes tell a “white lie”? Because it is harmless and will not, necessarily hurt someone. Therefore we often do that because you can justify it by saying you didn’t want to hurt the next person’s feelings.

It becomes worse when you telling a lie to yourself even though it seems easier, because you believe that you are the only one that knows the truth. It’s a situation where you are in denial and you don’t want to deal with a specific issue. So you consciously lie then you don’t have deal with the truth or the problem. 

Be true to yourself that will make it easier for you to be truthful to others....
