Thursday, 1 November 2012

Friendship #smed12

My definition of friendship:

·         Must have a mutual connection

·         The same interests

·         It can stand the test of time

·         Who share secrets

·         Who trust one another

·         Helps one another

·         Encourages one another

·         Who never judges you

·         Who protects you

·         Who Shares your achievements and disappointments with you

·         Someone that can listen

·         Someone that cares for you

·         That’s sincere
Friends are friends forever………..



Why all these #smed12

There are so many wedding traditions. Below I list a few that totally boggles my mind as to why?

·         You must get married in a white dress?

·         The wedding must take place in a church

·         The Mother of the bride has to wear the wedding colour scheme

·         Your siblings must be in the wedding

·         You are required to have a long veil

·         You have to invite relatives you only see at funerals

·         You must get married out of your parents house

·         If your siblings have children they may not be in the wedding

·         The best man has to make a speech

·         You must have more than one bridesmaid

·         You have to enter the church on the traditional wedding march

·         You have to wear something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new

·         You must have flower girls

·         You must have a miniature bride and groom

·         Your parents names has to be on the wedding invitation

 Society, our families and their traditions.


Festive #smed12

It’s the end of October and people are already busy with Christmas shopping. The shops are busy and several items are on sale. They just know how to get your attention! I don’t understand how we buy several items each year, not necessarily because we need it just because we want it and have the money to buy it.
Every year I tell myself that I won’t shop as much as the previous year, but before you know it there are several bags in my car’s boot. I started buying items in September already. The stores have several Christmas trimmings with the BoneyM Christmas cd playing in the background.  The best is buying gifts for your family. When you exchange gifts on Christmas day and just enjoy the celebrations.
It’s nice to share with those in need. There are so many people that don’t have a plate of food on Christmas day. So we bless them with food and help make a difference.