Friday, 16 March 2012

How many pairs of shoes do you have? #smed12

Why is that such a difficult question for woman? It’s either you have too little shoes and you don’t really care or you have so many pairs that you lost count along the way. I must admit I have 30 pairs of shoes, it’s not that much seeing that it includes my winter and summer collection. Is that amount not considered normal? I know some females will say that I’m crazy and others would say they have 50 pairs and so what? I actually need a walk in closet like Carrie in the movie Sex and the City part 1. I know blame it on the television!

I tried to figure out if it’s possible to wear all those shoes in a year, and it is possible. I have so many pairs and yet I struggle to find the right shoes every morning. It’s like the more shoes you have the more indecisive you become. I spend about ten minutes searching for the pair I want to wear therefore I grouped it into colour, season, casual and formal.  I must admit it created some order in my shoe cupboard for a few days. Can you imagine having so many shoes and then you still have a favourite pair that you want to wear every week.  

With so many pairs it would make sense to just wear a different pair each day. But like they say “you never have too many shoes”. I wonder who started that saying probably a female to justify the possibility buying another pair.
I have about five pairs of shoes in my boot. I have this habit of wearing flat shoes when I drive. I often forget to take it out of my car when I get home though, that means I’m always looking for a pair. It is so awkward when I’m at the car wash, I always forget that I have shoes in the boot and only realise that when they want to vacuum. 

I have not purchased one pair of shoes for 2012, I don’t intend to anytime soon. Please don’t inform me about another shoe sale even if it’s 50% off! 

Thursday, 15 March 2012

We are what we do #smed12

Why are we afraid of the wrong things? The unknown is scary mostly because we don’t have any control over it. We are afraid whenever the outcome of a situation can’t be determined. I know accepting change and taking risks are difficult.

A good example is being afraid ageing or getting old. I don’t know why because that is something you have no control over. It’s inevitable. Why not live your life focusing on the present making the best of each moment that you can share with your loved ones and friends. That is more positive than worrying about your age.

It’s not easy accepting that you are getting old. The colour of your hair becomes grey and the body changes can be very overwhelming. But it’s best to live for the present and to stay healthy and maintain to age gracefully. Like they say "life only starts at fourty".

I’ve never really worried about getting old. Even though each year when I celebrate my birthday I say “my clock is ticking” or there is no more days left on the calendar. But it’s still fun being blessed to add another year to my life.

We should stop being afraid of age and rather live life and make use of all the opportunities that come our way. We should not let our fear or age keep us behind. Enjoy each day, progress and stay blessed.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Fish Falling from the sky #smed12

Fish falling from the sky? I don’t eat fish so the thought of it falling from the sky certainly does not excite me. I can’t imagine what it would smell or look like if it were to fall on the floor next to me. And where would it be coming from? It seems a bit disgusting, because fish belong in the sea and won’t the air smell fishy? Imagine receiving several invitations for a snoek braai over a weekend. I’m sure with all the fish going around then we won’t even look forward to having pickled fish during Easter. What will happen to the fisheries?

I do believe that the fish will be seen as a blessing for those who are living in poverty. Many people don’t have food to eat and several children go to bed without food every night. The fish will help feed the hunger that is why it can start falling from the sky today. How about a heaven sent meal?

And who knows I might just learn to eat fish after all……..

Friday, 2 March 2012

How do you compile your wedding guest list? #smed12

Compiling the guest list for your wedding day is a very challenging task. You always start with the important people first which is the bride and groom’s family. When you eventually realise that your fiance has 50 family members on his list and you have 40 even though you initially wanted to invite only a hundred people. That is when the real problems start. You group the family members into immediate family (parents, grandparents and siblings). Then the aunts, uncles and cousins. The question is do you invite 2nd and 3rd cousins? How often do you see this family? I only see them once a year at either a funeral or when it’s a family reunion. So now all it’s considered rude when you don’t have them on the list. You have family which you have not spoken to in three years but hey live around the corner from you and yet they expect an invitation as well. Will we ever move away from these traditions that were invented by our great grandparents and their parents? 

Then you start adding your friends to the list. You have so many friends. Your primary & high school friends do they even matter?  You have varsity friends and colleagues. So how do you juggle this list? It’s very difficult I might have known you since High school but If haven’t seen you for almost a year should you get an invite? We are best friends and you don’t have a boyfriend but you want an invite admit 2. Then there are friends that only stick around for the good times, but they expect an invitation too. It’s a headache waiting to happen.


It doesn’t help that society has these traditions and norms that have been instilled for years. The minute you decide to do things differently you are considered to be offensive or obnoxious. The fact that the wedding costs you a fortune is never a topic. You can’t afford to invite everyone. A wedding guest list is private and for all the special people in you life. For those who are involved in your life that contributed in some special way. Times have changed and people should respect a couples wedding list.

What is the colour of the wind? #smed12

Many will say the wind has no colour. To me the colour of the wind is determined by the season and weather. The wind presents itself in different forms and colours that we can relate too. In different moods I perceive things differently therefore the climate, weather and location helps describe it better.

On a cold winters day the colour of the wind is dark blue to me. When the sky is clear with a deep blue colour, and the wind is strong and chilled when it blows over your face. In summer the wind is warm I would describe it as orange because it’s frisky and warm. In autumn the wind is dark green and brown, especially when it makes the leaves fall form the trees. Usually before we have rain the wind is very strong and vicious. It’s a fierce wind with a dark grey shade which is unlikeable. In spring the wind is a shade of pink. It’s a pleasant wind introducing the new season. And it brings out the colour and blooming of flowers.

Pink is my favourite colour therefore I like the wind in spring. It’s a soft and soothing colour which is very cheerful. The colour calms you and it’s fun and exciting while representing happiness and love. 

The wind has many colours but I would like to think of it as a shade of pink because it is very pleasant and the colour speaks to me. Everyone has a different view and perception of the colour of the wind mostly because you can’t see the colour.  Therefore the actual colour of the wind will remain a mystery.......