Thursday, 2 August 2012

Andy Warhol said, In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you become world famous? #smed12

I have never thought about it. However the idea of being in the spotlight is very overwhelming. I suppose it can be extremely exhausting having to watch what you say and do all the time. I prefer to keep the peace and privacy.  We tend to forget that being famous comes with a price. You get the fame but you give up so much in order to be famous.
Most people want to be famous because of the money. Everyone wants to be wealthy. Then we can buy all the things our hearts desire. Rich and famous........

We live in tough economic times and money does make the world go round.
But do famous people really donate money to charity? Or only when they want positive publicity?  Or as one would say a good PR exercise.
Does being famous help influence others? How many famous people help make a difference?
If I had the opportunity to be famous though…. it should be for making a difference and helping others. I would write books and do motivational speaking.
To be or not to be famous………

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