Friday, 24 February 2012

Soap Opera addict #smed12

It’s so nice watching television. The best part is when I watch soapies. We get so carried away that it becomes difficult to differentiate between reality and TV. I watch 7de Laan, Isidingo and Generations and I proclaim that I’m no soapie addict. I mostly watch it when i'm bored and it feels great knowing I support local talent.

Some people rush home every night to watch their favourite soapies. They watch it during the week and the omnibus over weekends. I can’t really understand why people do that. It’s scary how we can let our whole life evolve around a television programme. We have conversations and speak about Gita Mc Gregor, Brook Logan and Barker Heins as if we were on school together simply because we are intrigued by them. Soapie stars always look perfect, they are fun and it’s like you've become friends from your own living room.

We get upset with the storyline, the director and most of all the characters. We have supper in the TV room, and buy the TV Plus to read soapie forecasts. Lately people have a television in the kitchen in order to watch their soapies while they cook. Do we enjoy the drama of the programmes that much? Or only because it makes us feel better about our own lives? Can we honestly tell the difference between reality and TV?

We are living in an era where we allow television and reality TV to take control. Remember to always live your own life without doing it through the characters of a soap opera.

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