Monday, 23 April 2012

The sound of one hand clapping #smed12

The sound of one hand clapping

It’s almost like dreaming the impossible dream. Clapping hands are associated with specific emotions. It could be respect and excitement or celebration. There is a meaning behind the clapping. You become excited because you are sharing this emotion with other people.

So the sound of one hand clapping would be soundless? There would be no connection it would be cold and empty. The hollow sound would echo in an empty room. That sound won’t trigger any emotion amongst people. It will have no purpose.

Imagine you singing at an event or you are auditioning for a choir. The sound of one hand clapping would not justify the great performance. When people clap hands you receive the recognition for talent or speech. It touches your soul and lifts your spirits as you feel your talent is appreciated.

The sound of one hand clapping is a Chinese myth or ritual. It has a philosophical meaning. That is why I believe clapping with one hand is not possible.


Friday, 13 April 2012

Not all who wander are lost #smed12

Life is a fun journey as we all walk a different path. It’s a soulful experience where we discover so many life lessons and connect with each others. Our paths have taken so many different directions over the years. We are forced to make decisions in order to go in a certain direction and things don’t always work out the way we planned or the way we want it too. We have our family, career and social journey. There are so many journeys we encounter. So it is possible to get lost at times.

When we wander we are moved in a totally different avenue. It’s a platform where we can explore new things. It’s adventurous and for many people it has resulted in failure or success. It’s nice to have an opportunity to discover more about yourself, your talents and your passion.

It’s impossible to always know everything. But you have to take chances and set your own goals, make a difference. As we all want a structured life but sometimes it is fun trying out something different. Learning new things, that doesn’t mean that you don’t know where you heading in life. You are willing to take a chance.And so what of you wander.......

Relax and enjoy the journey! Therefore not all who wander are lost

Thursday, 5 April 2012

What did you want to be when you grow up? #smed12

On primary school it was an easy question to answer. I was still young and had no ambition just enjoyed my care free life as a child. My mom and half of the people in my family were teachers so that was the first profession that came to mind. With such a young an innocent voice I would say “One day when I grow up I want to become a teacher”. If only it was that simple. Then we would play doctor and nurse. The most fascinating profession was the cashier at the shop. It seemed so cool working with the money and assisting people in a grocery store.

On high school I had more vision. I had to choose my subjects in order to enter a specific field of study. This was when I realised that it’s not easy becoming a doctor, engineer or teacher. Then we received career counseling, it was fun being exposed to various career options and opportunities.

I wanted to become a lawyer. I was always intrigued by Law & Order and all these serious movies that took place in court. Then I became interested in the media. I was dreaming of becoming a journalist. I was interested in print media and radio. But, little did I know that I would eventually end up at one of the biggest media companies in Africa unfortunately not as a journalist.

We have entered an era where people have specific qualifications but they end up in a job with a position doing the opposite of what they studied. People end up in jobs that they are not passionate about. Times have become so tough that we tend to pursue different careers than what we are passionate about in order to survive and maintain a good standard of living.

Monday, 2 April 2012

How do you step from the top of a 100 foot pole? #smed12

I’m afraid of heights and the thought of having to step from a 100 foot pole sends shivers down my spine. It makes my heart beat fast just thinking about it. I’ve climbed Table Mountain but every time when I reach the top, it makes my head spin just thinking that I am that far from the ground. Looking over Cape Town is so breathtaking.

It’s as if you loose all control when you step onto a 100 foot pole. It’s bizarre to even imagine that you would be in such a predicament in the first place. Some may see that as adventure but the odds will surely be against you in such a ridiculous situation. You can’t predict exactly what will happen you can only rely on faith. 
It reminds me of when I was a toddler, my parents or family members would let me jump form the couch or table and catch me. That was a scary game but the only thing that kept me calm was the faith that I had in my parents. The faith that I had that they would catch me every time I jump.

Unfortunately when you step from 100 foot pole you need to believe that you will land safely on the ground so you must have FAITH.

We are afraid of the wrong things #smed12

We live our lives being fearful of so many things. Some are afraid of heights, the dark, snakes, spiders even failure. These fears link up with the different emotions we experience at a specific time. Some of our fears started at a very young age. Those fears take you back to your childhood experiences which trigger your memory about that specific fear.

There are some fears that we invented ourselves. A good example is the fear of being judged. Living your life stressing and wondering what people will say or do when you act or dress differently. Society has instilled a platform where it’s so easy to judge others. We sometimes don’t even realise when we are doing so. 

We’ve become so conscious of what we wear, the way we look, the things we say even the car we drive. We want to live our lives by impressing others that we even forget to live our own lives at the cost of not being judged. Is it really worth it?

People will always judge you whether you do right or wrong. So let go of these fears that are keeping you behind. Rather make a success of your life by doing what is best for you. In the end that is all that matters.

It is possible to overcome your fear to break free from those boundaries that we have set for ourselves or the boundaries that others have set for us.
