Monday, 2 April 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things #smed12

We live our lives being fearful of so many things. Some are afraid of heights, the dark, snakes, spiders even failure. These fears link up with the different emotions we experience at a specific time. Some of our fears started at a very young age. Those fears take you back to your childhood experiences which trigger your memory about that specific fear.

There are some fears that we invented ourselves. A good example is the fear of being judged. Living your life stressing and wondering what people will say or do when you act or dress differently. Society has instilled a platform where it’s so easy to judge others. We sometimes don’t even realise when we are doing so. 

We’ve become so conscious of what we wear, the way we look, the things we say even the car we drive. We want to live our lives by impressing others that we even forget to live our own lives at the cost of not being judged. Is it really worth it?

People will always judge you whether you do right or wrong. So let go of these fears that are keeping you behind. Rather make a success of your life by doing what is best for you. In the end that is all that matters.

It is possible to overcome your fear to break free from those boundaries that we have set for ourselves or the boundaries that others have set for us.


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