Thursday, 5 April 2012

What did you want to be when you grow up? #smed12

On primary school it was an easy question to answer. I was still young and had no ambition just enjoyed my care free life as a child. My mom and half of the people in my family were teachers so that was the first profession that came to mind. With such a young an innocent voice I would say “One day when I grow up I want to become a teacher”. If only it was that simple. Then we would play doctor and nurse. The most fascinating profession was the cashier at the shop. It seemed so cool working with the money and assisting people in a grocery store.

On high school I had more vision. I had to choose my subjects in order to enter a specific field of study. This was when I realised that it’s not easy becoming a doctor, engineer or teacher. Then we received career counseling, it was fun being exposed to various career options and opportunities.

I wanted to become a lawyer. I was always intrigued by Law & Order and all these serious movies that took place in court. Then I became interested in the media. I was dreaming of becoming a journalist. I was interested in print media and radio. But, little did I know that I would eventually end up at one of the biggest media companies in Africa unfortunately not as a journalist.

We have entered an era where people have specific qualifications but they end up in a job with a position doing the opposite of what they studied. People end up in jobs that they are not passionate about. Times have become so tough that we tend to pursue different careers than what we are passionate about in order to survive and maintain a good standard of living.

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