Wednesday, 26 September 2012

My favourite time of the year is Christmas #smed12

You better watch out... it seems like Santa Claus is coming to town.....

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a time for giving and sharing and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s family time a closeness that is not experienced throughout the year. But on that day families celebrate together.

I enjoy the Christmas carols, Christmas lights and the delightful Christmas lunch that is prepared and the tradition of exchanging gifts. The best is when we decorate the Christmas tree with all the wonderful Christmas trimmings.

My favourite cd’s during the festive season are Boney M, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and the Boys II Men Christmas cd. The most beautiful melody’s playing while we are preparing for Christmas day.

In our family I always make the dessert which is the traditional trifle. I enjoy the excitement of the little ones patiently waiting for Father Christmas and their Christmas wishlist. Every year we have plenty of beautiful memories as a family during Christmas time.



Buying my first car #smed12

Buying my first car
Excuse the picture it was definitely not a sports car. :)

That was like running away from the inevitable. You reach that point in your life when you realise it’s time to buy your own car. It's terrible when you constantly have to ask your parents if you can use their vehicles. Then they call you every time to ask when you will be home, or they moan that you never fill the tank. 

You reach a point where you’ve had enough. It was very scary at first but once you start looking and test driving the vehicles that is where the fun begins. 

There are so many cars to choose from I first had to look at a specific price range. Thereafter you look for certain features that appeals to you or fits your needs.

I just required a reliable car within my price range, that is very economical with air conditioning and power steering which was not negotiable at all.

It’s the best feeling ever when you collect your car and it’s still wrapped in those big red bows. Your stomach turns as you leave the dealer and you've practically signed your whole life away. :) i even forgot ho to initial. I was nervous it was like another step into the big man's world.

My car’s name is F A I T H

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Language #smed12

Xhosa was one of my subjects at school, i did it as a third language. It was very interesting but not as easy as I thought it would be. The pronunciations of the words were difficult it took me a while to get used to it.

The fun part was when we had to speak the language in class, especially when you forget your words or when you are trying to figure out what your teacher is saying.  But somehow I enjoyed the oral very much.

Today I can speak the basics, never took my teacher seriously when she said it’s so easy to forget the language. Now I realise that I do understand more than I can actually speak, and I have the ability to read the language very well.

I would recommend learning an African language anyday.


Have you helped someone recently? #smed12

I have moved several times and I decided to just let go of certain things that I don’t use or wear. As I was packing and cleaning I filled two black bags full of clothes, handbags and shoes. We tend to hold on to things even when we know we won’t wear it again.
I decided to give all those items to the cleaner at work. I gave her both the bags filled with various items. Most of the items were either too small and some items I simply didn’t wear anymore. It felt good letting go, it was like a weight off my shoulder.
The look on the cleaner’s face was priceless! She was stunned and very grateful when she opened the bag. She said “but here is nothing wrong with these clothes”.

She split the clothes between her two sisters and brought me a chocolate to say thank you. I didn’t expect anything in return. I was glad I could help.
It feels great helping other people and making them smile

Birthday #smed12

What makes a birthday

    Being blessed to add another year to your life.
    The day is very special and you feel great on your birthday.
    Having your hair and nails done the pamper sessions are great.
    Receiving Gifts
    Wearing your new outfit
    Celebrating the day with close friends and family
    Receiving several call, sms’s and facebook messages
    Taking leave on your birthday
    It’s associated with celebration and parties.
    Enjoying some birthday cake
There is a saying “people who celebrate birthdays live longer”.
I believe that you are as old as you feel. The younger the spirit the more pleasant the ageing.




Friday, 21 September 2012

Live your life #smed12

It’s not always easy living your life to the fullest, but it is something that I will regret not doing.

We tend to live our life pleasing others that we forget what our own wants and needs are. We forget to be true to ourselves by making decisions that works best for us. It’s always about the next person and fitting in with society’s norms.

It’s best to make yourself happy, it’s so tiring pretending to be something and someone that you are not. You only live once so make the most of everyday.

Enjoy being you love, share, care and live life to the fullest it’s now or never!


Birthday #smed12

That special day once a year, when we are blessed too add another year to our life. The pamper sessions doing your hair and nails and thereafter receiving plenty of gifts. Wearing your new outfit which is all part of the whole birthday celebration.
It’s nice when you can plan a birthday party and you invite close friends and family to share that special day with you. Then reading all your birthday wishes on facebook it’s very impersonal but it’s the thought that counts.
There is a saying “people who celebrate their birthdays live longer”. Why do people refuse to tell you their age, many believe after 21 you don’t ask age anymore.
I believe that you are as old as you feel. The younger the spirit the more pleasant the ageing. ….


My favourite Hiking Trail #smed12


I enjoy hiking and being outdoors. The hiking activities are fun and you learn so much on these hiking trails and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and nature.
I did the Crystal waters hike it’s just past Gordon’s bay. I was shocked to see the waterfalls and cliff diving. It was scenery you usually see on television. It is a long hiking with the best scenery. There are eight pools across the trail so you can hike and rest take a swim and take it further.
This trail is the best during summer. You can do the hike in a shorts and your bikini top and it’s best to start early morning then you can spend the whole day on the trail. The swimming is definitely the best part I enjoy the mountain water and taking pictures by the waterfalls.
Then relaxing on those big rocks and watching the people do cliff diving. Hiking allows you to enjoy nature and keep fit.



What has empty fear stopped you from doing? smed12

I stopped myself from going bungee jumping from the highest bungee bridge in the country. This was one summer holiday as we were on our way back from Port Elizabeth. That was too much adrenalin and being that far from the ground it was scary.
I was hoping that I weighed less than 55kg then that would have been the best excuse not to jump.
I shortly discovered my height and weight was fine but unfortunately my fear and anxiousness got the better of me. 
When I saw all the old and young people getting ready to jump I was even more traumatised because that could not possibly be for the faint hearted.
I decided to do the bridge walking it felt as if I had more control than hanging upside down on a string. Lol
I prefer to enjoy outings and live life on the safe side so I let my fear get the better of me.
Rather safe than sorry no bungee jumping for me.

Are you aware that someone has it worse than you #smed12

Yes, I do. I realised that on a daily basis while speaking to other people. Just as I thought I have many issues and that nothing seems to work out. But the minute I hear the next person’s story I realise that I have nothing to complain about.

I’ve learned to appreciate everything in life there will be ups and downs but the next person sometimes need way more than you do.

I went to Pick ‘n Pay one night just before closing time, I bought several items and some things were really unnecessary. Then the car guard was in front of me, buying a loaf of bread and a pack of frozen chicken. He paid for that food with 50c, 20c and 5c. I had tears in my eyes seeing this cashier struggling to count all the coins. He stands in the heat or cold each day as a car guard just to buy food he can take home to his family.

I immediately thought of all the times I didn’t tip the car guard. But now I know they appreciate each sent they can get, because they have to provide for their families even if they only make R20 day.



When is the time tyo stop calculating risk and reward and just do what you know is right? #smed12

We live in a world where we are forced to consider certain things before we can make decisions. We have to think things through and make sure that we act accordingly. As there are many risks involved when it comes to making decisions about your own life?

 The most complicated risks are when it’s decisions about your own life, spiritually, family or your career.

We should live for the moment and make sure we do what is right.
 It’s easier said than done but life is too short to toss and turn with regards to decisions.

We subconsciously calculate the decision and rewards because we are scared of making mistakes.  Many times we must rather throw caution to the wind and go with something. Life goes on and time does not wait on anybody.

So live life and take chances but be responsible and accountable for your decisions and actions but just make sure you do what is right.

Picture: calculating-the-risks-and-just-go-ahead-and-do-what-you-know-is-

How many handbags do you have? #smed12

I have over 20 handbags. Different sizes, styles and colours.  You go through a phase where you want your handbags to match your outfits or shoes. I suppose we get our inspiration from the Kardashians or Sex and the City characters. The only difference is we are not celebrities.
Having so many handbags becomes very annoying for me after a while, because you have to unpack all your items into a different bag every night. Only to discover that you forgot either your wallet or train ticket in the other bag.
It’s very stylish when everything matches but all those handbags take up so much space, I need a cupboard just for handbags.  I’ve bought smaller handbags so that I can just use it for the most important items. And yet that does not work.
I Love bags

Retail Therapy #smed12

Retail Therapy

Sometimes it’s as if this is a convenient excuse to buy new items. I have been in a situation like that several times. I have a bad day at work so I stop at the mall on my way home. I end up buying items that I don’t necessarily need but anything to make me forget about the terrible day I had.

Unfortunately the retail therapy might make you feel better for that moment, it takes your mind off things but thereafter you need to face reality and the problem or issue is still there. Studies have proved that retail therapy makes people feel better.

In the end retail therapy is just a bad habit or a sorry excuse to cheer yourself up.  There is nothing wrong with retail therapy but it could become a bad habit that we can’t afford on a daily basis.

Therefore it’s best to get something to help solve the problem completely than to shift it away till later.


Treasure you grandparents #smed12

I enjoy spending time with my grandparents.   They are old but always have the funniest things to say and do.  Apart from the fact that they can’t hear you properly you have to repeat yourself several times. It’s very cute when they have a different version of what you just said.

My grandfather always asks me where I work, even though we have that discussion every time I see him. I’ve reached that point where I just pretend like we have never spoken about it before.  The best is when I try and call my grandfather on his cellular phone he never answers. The miss call will show on his phone then he will call me to ask “why did I send him a message?”.

The best is when we visiting him then he falls asleep while we having a conversation. I treasure those precious moments with him. We are blessed to still have him with us.


My favourite colour is pink #smed12

I like the colour pink, I have several items in my cupboard and they are all different shades of pink. It’s a soft and feminine colour. It’s cheerful, light hearted and represents happiness.  Pink is actually a combination between red and white.  Pink combines those two energies.

The darker shades of pink are the more vibrant and daring you feel. Ever since my childhood days I’ve loved the colour pink. Probably because pink was associated with girls and blue with boys. So many pink memories, my pink ribbons, wardrobe, Barbie doll, the hello Kitty collection and pink ice-cream.
The colour pink expresses so many feelings tenderness, happiness, love and calmness.

Whenever I wear pink items have received several compliments. Many people don’t like the colour but when they see someone else wear it they give you a compliment. I was going to have a touch of pink in my wedding but decided against it.

I still love pink, even though it’s the new black.


Choosing a wedding cake #smed12

How difficult can it be? Then I discovered there are several different wedding cakes, shapes, flavours and decorations to choose from. Way too many options for my liking.

 I had a few ideas in mind but I made sure that a traditional fruitcake was not on that list.  It reminds me of those days where my parents would keep their piece of the wedding cake and months later they would serve it  on  Sunday for 4 o’çlock tea. Then I would ask the silly question "where does this come from?"only to discover it’s the leftover cake form my cousins wedding a few months ago.

I was thinking of a one tier chocolate mud cake, with 3 tiers of cupcakes. Something modern or even a red velvet cake? Decorated in my colour scheme.


Become a donor #smed12

Become a donor
The thought of becoming a donor has never crossed my mind.  I never knew how many lives I could help save by signing up by the Organ Donor Foundation (ODF).  It’s amazing how one person can help save seven lives when they become an organ donor. That only includes 1 heart, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, 1 liver and 1 pancreas. There are hundreds of people waiting and praying for a miracle to receive an organ or a tissue transplants.

Why not help give the next person the gift of life a second chance. We only discover the importance thereof when someone in our family or a close friend’s life depends on a donor. Then we realise that we are helpless and there is nothing we can do but pray for a donor with a perfect match.

My mom is currently on a waiting list for a Cornea transplant. That is the part of the eye that allows you to see. Ultimately she will lose the vision in her eye. It’s sad because she is on a waiting list for a Cornea and it could take months even years to find a match.

So for now we can just pray and keep faith that everything will work out. Become a donor and help make a difference in someone else’s life.



When it is all said and done, will you have said more than you have done #smed12

When it’s all said and done, I hope that I would have managed to do everything that I have said. Talking is easy but taking action can be very difficult at times. 
Unfortunately I do talk more than I do. Simply because there is not always enough time, to do everything as you have set it out to be. But by talking about it, I can steer myself in the direction of taking action.
I’ve always said that I will study part-time in order to obtain my Public Relations qualifications. I spoke about it and then I enrolled and I’m nearly done with my Btech. So in many instances I have said a lot and done as much as I could.
I’m much older and wiser now so I intend doing way more than I’ve said. It remindsme of the saying talk is cheap….. so put your money where your mouth is.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Life is short #smed12


How often do we forget how blessed we are to enjoy another day. We get caught up in our daily routine, but forget that it is through the mercy of the Lord that we can get out of bed each day.

We complain about so many things and forget about our blessings. When will we learn to appreciate what we have? Good health, a roof over our heads a stable job or good education.

I’m sure each one of us has a long list that can make us smile. Whenever I see homeless people, or visit people in hospital I realise that there are people with real problems out there. And while we complain about the weather or a nasty boss at work there are several others that pray and need so much more.

Therefore I count my blessings and I remain thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I give and don’t expect anything in return because when you want to help and share with others it might just be too late.

Therefore “I get on my knees”                       




Would you break the law to saved a loved one? #smed12

Would you break the law to save a loved one?....

This is a very difficult question. Breaking the law is a serious offence. I will rather say yes and no. It depends on the situation and what I will be required to do. I don’t even break the law for myself but I suppose doing it for your loved one makes it a bit easier.

I will only do it if it was for my immediate family and fiancé then it would be worth considering breaking the law.

If it means I have to pay a fine, I can live with that. But unfortunately going to jail for theft, robbery or fraud is definitely not an option. I won’t be able to do that, simply because it goes against all my values and principles. Telling a white lie to save a loved one is possible.

It can’t seem to answer this question, I suppose when I’m in that situation I will feel differently about certain things. So until then we shall wait and see.



Planning your wedding day #smed12

Planning your wedding

This is indeed a very important day. And it’s amazing how we get carried away in order to have a perfect wedding day.  Choosing your colour scheme and making sure you favourite colour is part of it.

Then you have to decide on a wedding venue.  Will it be the traditional community hall, a Hotel or a wine Estate? With all these decisions it’s important not to forget about your budget.  It is very difficult because every bride wants a spectacular day and it should be different.

Compiling your guest list is very difficult especially if you have a family, many friends and colleagues. After considering that I suppose a small intimate ceremony sounds ideal, but then again you only get married once.

With all the planning we should never forget about the marriage, the ceremony and reception only last a day, but your marriage must last a lifetime. The people we want to impress are only there on that day thereafter you are on your own.

So while I’m planning I try not to forget what my wedding day is all about, the marriage and commitment that starts after that day when two minds, two souls and two hearts become one.



Do you celebrate the things you have #smed12

I agree celebrating the things we have is necessary. But I get so caught up in my daily routine that i hardly have time to celebrate the things I have. I have many things to celebrate as I have acquired so much in life I see those things as blessings.

I don’t celebrate the things I have as often as I should. I have worked hard in my career, and personal life to accomplish things and to be successful. I have good health and amazing people in my life. But I don’t celebrate that often enough.

I do spend time with my family, my fiancé and close friends. I do celebrate having them in my life. I celebrate the support they have given me over the years and therefore I have accomplished so many things.

I go to church in order to celebrate my spiritual growth and blessings. To say thank you for good health and prosperity and I try and make a difference by helping others. I see that as celebrating what I have by sharing it with others.


Which is your favourite season #smed12

I absolutely love summer.  The clear skies the pleasant summer breeze and awesome sunny weather. The warm and earthy smell of this fabulous season definitely makes me smile with the Beautiful flowers blooming.

The best part is having pool parties, a braai on the patio and those beach trips. Being able to wear shorts, dresses, bikini’s those big sunglasses and not forgetting enough sun block.
I enjoy swimming the most, I spend most of my summer holiday at the beach, we go camping and spending time away from the busy city is pure bliss.

My favourite hiking trail is crystal waters near Gordon’s Bay you can hike and swim and that is very refreshing.

I seem happier in the summer season probably because my social life is booming then, there is always something to do. Therefore my wedding will be happening in December I just had to choose a month in the summer season.

Don’t you just love summer :)

Saturday, 8 September 2012

The last lecture #smed12

The Last lecture


The last lecture will probably be the best one when we look back at this challenging academic year. Deadlines, assignments, presentations and the group work.  The pressure at tech if you catching up with the workload, because you missed class due to work commitments.  

I have studied the PR diploma course part-time as well as the Btech. So the last class will be a very joyous and emotional one. Working hard to reach your goals and maintaining your career, successfully completing your part-time studies. That is easier said than done. 

But I wouldn’t have done it differently. I have met some awesome people and I’ve learned so much from everyone. Today I have few people that I can honestly call my friends, they have truly helped make this a very pleasant journey.

Then Graduation the one day everyone is looking forward too. Reaching your goals and being on the doorstep of success.

Cheers…….. may we remember these beautiful memories when we trying to make an impact in the PR industry.
