Saturday, 8 September 2012

The last lecture #smed12

The Last lecture


The last lecture will probably be the best one when we look back at this challenging academic year. Deadlines, assignments, presentations and the group work.  The pressure at tech if you catching up with the workload, because you missed class due to work commitments.  

I have studied the PR diploma course part-time as well as the Btech. So the last class will be a very joyous and emotional one. Working hard to reach your goals and maintaining your career, successfully completing your part-time studies. That is easier said than done. 

But I wouldn’t have done it differently. I have met some awesome people and I’ve learned so much from everyone. Today I have few people that I can honestly call my friends, they have truly helped make this a very pleasant journey.

Then Graduation the one day everyone is looking forward too. Reaching your goals and being on the doorstep of success.

Cheers…….. may we remember these beautiful memories when we trying to make an impact in the PR industry.


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