Friday, 21 September 2012

How many handbags do you have? #smed12

I have over 20 handbags. Different sizes, styles and colours.  You go through a phase where you want your handbags to match your outfits or shoes. I suppose we get our inspiration from the Kardashians or Sex and the City characters. The only difference is we are not celebrities.
Having so many handbags becomes very annoying for me after a while, because you have to unpack all your items into a different bag every night. Only to discover that you forgot either your wallet or train ticket in the other bag.
It’s very stylish when everything matches but all those handbags take up so much space, I need a cupboard just for handbags.  I’ve bought smaller handbags so that I can just use it for the most important items. And yet that does not work.
I Love bags

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