Friday, 13 July 2012

Rock Journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read” (Frank Zappa)- comment.#smed12

I love music R&B, Hip-hop and Jazz but I don’t listen to rock music at all. I don’t know much about rock artists either. I respect Rock artists for their talent and unique music style and lyrics. They have a very unique way of expressing their talent. They are known as the artists who have taken the chance to be different and moving away from the musical norms.

The reporters that interview Rock artists have to interpret their music. They try to understand the message conveyed through their music. I don’t really agree with Frank Zappa that is his opinion. People feel different about all types of music. It is rather difficult for me to form an opinion on something I don’t know anything about.

Rock star music is different and therefore rock star interviews are different as well. The rock star audiences will be able to relate to the journalists interviews and stories about their music. Different strokes for different folks. Journalists will always write about rock music because there will always be rock stars, bands, rock music and a market for their music.

So let Rock Music be…..


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